Making Your Home Office Productive
We know that in the hustle and bustle of the past few weeks, finding a new norm can be a little challenging. Whether you have children at home, pets at home, or a partner taking away your focus, it can be hard to find a way to stay on task and focused.
We compiled some ways that we are staying productive in our home office and we hope that it will help you!
1. Create a to-do list! Write a checklist of what you want or need to get done. From this list pick the top 3 to 5 things that you absolutely want to complete and begin to work away at them.
2. Set your environment with comfort- adding a candle, fresh flowers, or a cozy blanket can make your environment feel inviting and nurturing. When you're feeling comfortable and cozy at home amplifies productivity.
3. Declutter your space - a clean, organized space makes for a clean and clear mind. At the end of the day clean your space, organize your work & remember to mark off that to-do list!
4. Have a space away that you can leave at the end of the day - Whether that's your kitchen island, spare room, home office, or kitchen table. Have a space that you can leave at the end of the day. It is important for everyone to be able to leave their work behind at the end of the day! Set a place that you work in and another one that you can relax in.
5. Taking breaks - "Hey Alexa, set an alarm for noon". Take a snack break, water break, get some fresh air. It's easy to forget our essential needs while working from home but we need to maintain a schedule.
6. Essential Oils - if candles aren't your thing and you're feeling overwhelmed and or stressed, try a peppermint or orange essential oil. Essential oils promote being awake, focus, and positive mental activity!